Wednesday 31 December 3000

This site provides:

(1) Access to the “alphybetty”

The alphybetty is a collection of Joyce’s alphabet-letters as they were found in his correspondence and manuscripts. It is meant as a reference tool to provide images of how any particular letter may look when Joyce writes it.

To access the gathered alphabet click on alphybetty and choose the respective Word-document for the letter you are looking for.  --> Unfortunately, this link had to be changed. The alphybetty is now available on a new page here.

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Explanatory note: The alphybetty is an ongoing project and entries are still being made. This is how it is organized:

Set up by letter: There is one file per letter of the alphabet. Each letter features in initial, mid-word and end-of-word position and as capital (a- / -a- / -a / A; b- / -b- / b- / B etc.). The files can be browsed by doing a word-search, too.

Arranged degeneratively: The letters within one unit start with the neater characters and progress to more and more illegible ones.

Certainty: In compiling the alphybetty we are careful to include only instances of which there is no doubt as to what letter it is.

The various colours: The images come in various colours. This is due to the condition of the letters and the reproductions, i.e. the paper on which Joyce writing, the ink he was using, the quality of the scan, photograph or microfilm we could obtain.

Used as a tool the alphybetty may facilitate the deciphering of Joyce's hand. It cannot prove or disprove any particular reading but it may support, or discard, likelihood.

(2) Illegible samples of Joyce's handwriting

On occasion, and as they occur, we list passages that transcribers of Joyce's letters and manuscripts are finding hard to read. Your suggestions will be welcome.

To get in touch, please email: 


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